The Arthur Purdy Stout Society of Surgical Pathologists Study Stipends are designed to allow residents in Pathology to spend one month at another institution to pursue study of a specific area of diagnostic surgical pathology.
Applicants must be sponsored by a member of the Arthur Purdy Stout Society at both their parent institution and at the institution where they plan to work during the one-month period of the program. Supporting letters from these persons are requested.
The Stipends are for a one-month period of study. A total of $3,000.00 is provided to the resident to cover travel and living expenses. Salary is to be provided by the resident’s regular training program. We will accept applications beginning July 1, 2024. Please submit applications below by March 1, 2025.
The APSS strongly supports residents who are underrepresented minorities, and they are also encouraged to apply.
Click Here to Apply