
The YouTube link below is provided courtesy of the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions and is a recording of the 1932 reminisces of William C. Welch The founding Professor of Pathology at Hopkins and a contemporary of Osler, Halsted and Kelly. While not directly related to Dr Stout, this brief film relates the advances in medicine in the 1800 and early 1900's that no doubt influenced Dr. Stout's early years from the perspective of someone who lived through and contributed to the events. We are extremely grateful to Joel Umlas, MD, Associate Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School and Attending Pathologist at Mount Auburn Hospital for bringing the film to our attention. 


Special thanks to Drs. David Page and Jean Simpson for providing this presentation.

About the Arthur Purdy Stout Society

The Arthur Purdy Stout Society of Surgical Pathologists is composed of pathologists dedicated to excellence in teaching, research and practice of surgical pathology. Surgical pathology is defined as the practice of medicine devoted to the diagnosis of disease based on observable cellular and tissue changes in specimens removed from living patients.

Copyright © 2018 Arthur Purdy Stout Society

Contact Us


Jason Hornick, M.D., Ph.D.

Email: jhornick@bwh.harvard.edu

For questions about membership or the website contact
Ashley Boguslaski• asnsp@med.umich.edu


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